Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tired of people telling me I should be grateful

I am so tired of people telling me to be happy for the living children that I have. I am so, so very grateful for them. I love them with everything I have within me. I love all my lost babies, too. I want all of my babies with me. One child cannot replace another. And people do not realize that secondary infertility hurts, too.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

OMG I can not imagine someone saying such a mean and hurtful thing. I think that people kinda want to say that to me, instead they mask the comment with asking a question like "do you have other children?" So when I say yes, does that mean that you no longer have to care? Does that make it easier? WOW. ppl really need to take a class on how to deal with parents who have lost.